Bibliography of Khazar Studies
Compiled by Kevin Alan Brook

Last Updated: September 23, 2024

"An outstanding academic bibliography on the Khazars."
- Marshall T. Poe, Lecturer, History and Literature, Harvard University

Copyright © 1999-2024 by Kevin Alan Brook


  • Section 1: Introductory Works
  • Section 2: Book Reviews
  • Section 3: Archaeology
  • Section 4: Linguistics
  • Section 5: The Khazarian Ethnicity
  • Section 6: Religious Practices and Influences in Khazaria
  • Section 7: Primary Source Documents
  • Section 8: Khazarian Culture
  • Section 9: Khazarian Institutions and Internal Political Affairs
  • Section 10: Khazar Cities, Towns, Villages, and Fortresses
  • Section 11: Productive Daily Activities in Khazaria
  • Section 12: Relations Between the Khazars and Other Peoples
  • Section 13: Proposed Descendants of the Khazars
  • Section 14: Myths and Legends


  • An Introduction to the History of Khazaria
  • The Khazar Fortress of Sarkel
  • Khazaria Image Gallery
  • Medieval Quotes about Khazar Judaism
  • Fictional Literature about the Khazars
  • History of the Jews in Russia: Bibliography by John Klier
  • North Caucasian Bibliography and Library
  • Frühe Reiternomaden der Eurasischen Steppen: Bibliographische Notizen
  • Bibliografiya po istorii Khazarii
  • Literatura po istorii Dona i Severnogo Kavkaza
  • Bibliography of Warfare in the Byzantine World
  • Rizwi's Bibliography of Medieval Islam
  • Religious Studies Guide: Bibliographies on the Net

  • KHAZARIA.COM Homepage